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Did you know we have a team that wants to connect with YOU!?

It is our top priority to connect with all of our members, online or in-person, on a personal level in order to provide opportunities for fellowship, learning and growth amongst the church body.

Join one of our scheduled meetings for more infomation.

#Encounter Available Now!

The title Encounter speaks to the end goal of releasing this music. “We want there to be a true encounter with the presence of the Lord. Not just to sing songs that sound good but to draw upon His tangible character daily in our lives.” These songs are all original and have been birthed through years of learning the deeper teachings of Jesus and walking in His revelation.

Encounter is a live studio album which means that it is real and displays true desire and passion to see the Lord move.

> See more music by The Voice Of Healing Church 


Join Apostle Michael Petro every week for The Voice of Healing Radio

VOH Radio brings in-depth understanding of the scriptures prophetically, rich revelation of the Early Church Apostolic Fathers and biblical interpretation of the biggest news and political stories of our day.

September 2021 Prophetic Report | Apostle Michael Petro

God is clearly speaking to those who are listening. Recently, the Holy name of YHVH started appearing on the The Eastern Wall in Jerusalem. But, what does that mean for the body of Christ? Apostle Michael Petro breaks down what this sign means in biblical events leading up to the second coming of Christ and how the Early Church (first 300 years of Christianity) defined the sealing of the remnant needed to bring in the final harvest.

Submit Your Testimony

If you’ve got a testimony to share about a Prophecy, word, or healing coming to pass, we want to hear it and get the message out!

Classics 2020

Healing and revival will not just be an event, but a movement. It has been prophesied in the past that an immense outpouring of revelation would be released to the church followed by the greatest healing revival that has ever been seen. Wear revival, shop the VOH Classic Collection. 

Pentecost 2021

The birth of the Christian Church: Pentecost. Many of us may have had our introduction to Pentecost in our upbringings as the account of a mighty wind came and tongues like fire fell upon the apostles’ heads in the upper room and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Act 2:1-3). Celebrate Pentecost 2021 with our favorite clothing items.

The Early Church Fathers

Welcome to our Ante-Nicene Fathers portion where we show a greater depth of what they believed and taught, as passed down to them by the Apostles. Here, we will see how the Early Church addressed topics that many current denominations debate about.

The Body and The Sun

Those are only a few of the incredible ways the sun is a vital part of all life, and a beautiful picture of why God is also likened to the sun. Since we can’t physically see God, He uses parables, or natural phenomena to explain heavenly concepts. The parable of our physical sun is meant to reveal God’s characteristics or attributes. 

The Race Set Before You

Have you ever run a race? Maybe for school sports or even professionally? Today, there are many different types of races which people compete in, either for fun or professionally, from drag races to Olympic sports like swimming or triathlons and everything in between. But what does that have to do with the Bible? 

Scripture actually likens being a follower of Jesus Christ to running a race…Click to Read More!

Vigilant Soul

In this season of heightened spiritual warfare, God is emphasizing the necessity to be vigilant over our soul like never before. As the glory of God moves closer to manifesting on earth, the opposition increases and the battle for our soul ever rages. Guarding our soul from the vices of the flesh, especially the weaknesses the Lord has already revealed to us, and pursuing virtue are the acts of a vigilant soul.

Let There Be

It all started with the words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen 1:1)

The question is, do I believe those words? Why do I believe them? Maybe, and not too often asked, is how do I believe them? The “how” question is related to which interpretation of the Scriptures I receive because how they are interpreted will determine how I experience them. 

Greetings to the Saints

JESUS speaks about faith throughout the gospels , however HE is constantly telling the people why they have little faith, or no faith. Whom are we having faith in during our day?


Paul the apostle of Jesus understood His name, and the Early Church Fathers like Ignatius and others understood His name; which is the power of the “Mysteries of the Kingdom” hidden in parables (Matt 13:11).  Why is that important today? Jesus said Elijah will return to restore all things (Matt 17:11). What is this restoration of all things? In Hebrew, the word all speaks of a container made whole. 

All Scripture is Parabolic

Throughout His ministry, Jesus only spoke in parables (comparisons/similitudes) (Matthew 13:34), and the understanding of these parables (or the unveiling of these hidden meanings) was only given to the disciples who chose to come away with Jesus. The unveiled meaning was not given to the multitudes (Mark 4:34). According to Scripture and confirmed by the Early Church, the reason for the parables was to sift between those who really had eyes to see and ears to hear, yet not physical eyes and ears, but spiritual ones (Matthew 13:11-16). What most do not realize is that there is a deeper meaning throughout all of Scripture, not just the parables of Jesus. 


When you hear the word patience, what do you think of? The Google definition of patience is “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.”

Patience isn’t something that comes naturally, because it’s not really in human nature to be tolerant of those we consider to be rude, obnoxious, or unpleasant, nor is it in our human nature to remain patient in situations that inconvenience us; such as getting stuck in traffic or waiting for your food to arrive in a busy restaurant after not eating all day.

However, when we look in the word of God, we can see patience is a virtue that Christians should have (2Th 3:5).

Bringing Eternity Back Into Focus

The eye is a very complex organ and is used in symbolism throughout Scripture warning people to get “eyes to see”. Apostle Peter in his second epistle mentions what it means to be near-sighted. The definition of near-sightedness that we’re familiar with, according to Webster’s dictionary, is ‘a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry. It occurs when the shape of your eye causes light rays to bend (refract) incorrectly.’ This has significant spiritual value.

Supernaturally Healed From A Broken Ankle

After an accident, every bone in John’s ankle was broken, leaving him with plates and screws holding it back together. Listen as John shares his testimony of how the Lord did a miracle for him by completely restoring the mobility to his foot.

Psalm 30:11, “You have turned my mourning into dancing for me;”

Re-creative miracles are happening! We are seeing the signs of the glory of God returning.

Acceleration and Pouring Out of God's Provision

God uses Prophet Ferney Paez from Bogota, Colombia to confirm the plans Pastor Eloy Tamez has for the nation of Mexico! An incredible testimony of prayer that is heard and confirmed by Jesus Christ.

Forgiveness and A Name Change Brings Healing

“Forgive me”. These are two of the most powerful words that can ever be spoken, and the impact forgiveness has can heal wounds of the heart that run deep.

Listen to the testimony of Damien, who received exactly what he was asking of God. You’ll be encouraged and touched as he shares the message he received from God during a time with Prophet Ferney Paez.

We go through battles before a promotion, and forgiveness positions our hearts to move into what God has for us. Just as Jesus gave us the perfect example of forgiveness on the cross (Luke 23:34); He also said we must forgive, so we can be forgiven (Matt 6:14).